Ny bog på engelsk, hvor Githa Ben-David deler sin personlige erfaring med, hvordan du kan afkalke din Pineal-kirtel med din egen stemme.
Anbefalet af Bruce Lipton i hans nyhedsbrev july 2020, formidler, forfatter og Professor i biologi og epigenetik
De fleste menneskers Pineal er nemlig forkalket med fluor, klorin, kalk og aluminiums aflejringer, en tilstand som svækker bl.a. immunforsvaret. Pinealen er placeret i centrum af hjernen og er ansvarlig for at omforme lys indtag fra især øjnene til livsvigtige hormoner.
Balancer dit hormonelle system, optimer din krops naturlige immun- og afgiftningssystem, opnå perfekt søvn, minimer menopausesymptomer, kronisk allergi, ledsmerter og meget mere. Metoden er baseret på Githas personlige oplevelse med Tonen fra Himlen/’Aaar’-sang og Hung Song – en banebrydende ny, gratis medicin. Virkningen af ‘Hung’-lyden kan føles, lige så snart den indre undertone resonerer med Pinealen, som ved stimulering kvitterer med udskillelse af søvn, foryngelses og superantioxidanten melatonin.
‘Heal the Pineal’ er en videnskabelig, kemisk, elektrisk, historisk og åndelig udforskning af pinealkoglekirtlen, som fører Githa Ben-David til Nikola Tesla, professor Gerald Pollack, geolog Rex Newnham, videnskabsmand Stephanie Seneff, professor Bruce Lipton, antikkens filosoffer, Jesus, Moses og til et stort antal andre forskere, læger, åndelige lærere og terapeuter.
‘Heal the Pineal’ er skrevet på et let forståeligt engelsk og inkluderer øvelser, links til demonstrationsfilm og gratis webinarer. Bruce Lipton, forfatter, biolog og professor i epigenetik, anbefaler ‘Heal the Pineal’ i sit nyhedsbrev.
Githa Ben-David er uddannet ved Det Danske Musikkonservatorium i København. Hun har studeret klassisk indisk sang med Mangala Tiwari i Varanasi og er en anerkendt pioner inden for vokal lydterapi. Sanger, komponist,forfatter og leder af ‘International Education in The Note from Heaven’ samt Institut for Energi og Bevidsthed, Gilalai – sammen med sin mand Lars Muhl.
Thera Hoeijmans –
Review of Githa Ben-David’s book ‘Heal the Pineal – Detox with Hung Song’ by Scientific and Medical Network
This must be the most comprehensive handbook about the pineal gland and how to heal and decalcify it, especially in relation to Hung Song chanting, based on the musician author’s own experience (she is also the wife of Lars Muhl). She goes back to the work of Tesla, who showed that the ionosphere represents an infinite electric energy source, a technology that was not taken up for commercial reasons and in the interests of power and control. The book puts bio-electricity in a central role, as I also discuss in my review of Arthur Firstenberg’s book. The author explains the pivotal role of the pineal gland in the distribution of melatonin and in capturing light frequencies. She is careful to distinguish between healthy and harmful frequencies – the latter including the impending 5G rollout. The work of Dominique Belpomme shows that we are in fact living light batteries and that of Dietrich Klinghardt that heavy metals act as antennas for radiation, reinforcing toxicity from chemicals. The next section explains the origins of Hung Song and its role in the healing the pineal gland, itself related to the third eye and therefore to spiritual perception.
The cultural history of the pineal gland (so-called because of its spiral shape resembling a pine cone) is fascinating, as is the scientific background and its susceptibility to toxins and calcification. The recent discovery of the interstitium – a network of fluid-filled spaces in connective tissues – can explain why the energy of sound healing can be felt throughout the body. The author describes various healing techniques that she uses, some involving breath, and other methods such as sun gazing (with appropriate cautions). The pineal gland plays a critical role in the circadian rhythm through its secretion of a variety of hormones, including melatonin, but many elements of modern life have interfered with its proper functioning. Restorative sleep is also crucial through the operation of the glymphatic system, which prevents toxins from building up in the brain. Unfortunately, pesticides such as glyphosate have been found to bind to melatonin receptors, leading to a disruption of the endocrine system. The toxicity of modern life means that we have to maximise the effectiveness of the body’s regenerative systems, and the book is an eye-opener in relation to the symptoms of pineal calcification (p. 160). There is an interesting section on the therapeutic effect of boron and the work of Dr Rex Newnham, especially in relation to arthritis ( Towards the end of the book, all these approaches are helpfully summarised into a comprehensive self-help programme. The underlying content of the book is not only healing, but also a return to our inherent Oneness in a world of separation.
David Lorimer
Programme Director
Editor, Paradigm Explorer
The Scientific & Medical Network
Thera Hoeijmans –
Lars Muhl on Githa Ben-David’s book ‘Heal The Pineal’
‘Heal the Pineal’ is one of the most pervasive studies of the pineal gland, its importance to human development and our ability to strengthen our immune system.
An epoch-making book that opens new doors to higher awareness of what a human being is and what opportunities it holds.
Githa Ben-David is one of the world’s most recognized sound therapists, with more than 33 years of practical experience. With a background in classical saxophone from the Royal Conservatory of Music in Copenhagen and 6 years studies of classical Indian khyal singing with Mangala Tawari in India, she has developed her own sound therapeutic system, the Note from Heaven, from which she currently leads an international education for sound therapists.
At all times, man has used sound for therapeutic purposes, from the Australian Aboriginal’s ‘Songlines’ to today’s more pragmatic ultrasound therapy. For over 33 years, Githa has been researching the possibilities of the human voice as a therapeutic tool, and experience from this clearly shows that what sets the human voice above any other form of sound stimulation is its ability to be sensitive and intuitive.
With ‘Heal the Pineal’, Githa Ben-David bridges the gap between the natural sciences and the spiritual sciences, recognizing that when the two become One, humanity can take a new and decisive step on the path of evolution.
It is characteristic of Githa that she has complete confidence in her own well-developed intuition, and does not helm until she has turned every stone in her quest to find the truth. And in this process, she does not refrain from using herself as a living laboratory.