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International Online Education in Vocal Sound Therapy – Githa Ben-David (2.-8.febr.2025)

kr. 9.000,00

Varenummer (SKU): 15/1-22/1-2023-internationalonlinesoundeducation-01 Kategorier: , , Product ID: 16063


Date: 2 -8. Febr.2025

Køb webinaret her, hvor du får adgang til alt kursusmateriale inklusiv film: – room: thenotefromheaven
Browser: Google Crome

Dagligt fra kl. 16-18 + 20 timers editerede lektioner, som kan ses på forhånd og eller løbende.

Price: 9000 DKK only first course – the following courses  5000 DKK (as you then have the films (4000 Dkk) Please contact for a discountcode. 

All prices are including 25 % VAT

Includes free access to 18 lectures (pre-recorded videos-20 hours) – the films will be available for unlimited time.

Includes files for download (pdf-files). You get the links for the files with your order information by e-mail.

When you subscribe for this online course a user account will automatically be created. You will receive an e-mail with username and password for your account.

Keep your username and password safely, as they give you access to the films.

When you book this online week course, please fill in an application form (a Word document)

When you fill in the application form, please write if you wish to book the A or B live meeting day by day.
If you are able to participate in two groups please write a priority.

Download it here and send it to

Introduction to the Online Education Week

The challenges of these times has brought us a beautiful new online way of communication that opens for a worldwide sound healing between human beings.
Your energy can pass from one end of the world to the other when you learn how to focus it with sound. This you can experience this in the International Online Education in Vocal Sound Therapy. During the last years I, Githa Ben-David, have experienced that the online sound healing works even stronger than a real time sound healing. We have started collaborating with Medical Doctors and scientists internationally. The results speak for themselves and seems manifesting in order to open our consciousness.  There is  a clear spiritual aspect influencing the process: The ability to surrender and to feel gratitude and compassion seems to reinforce the chance for a succesful healing.

In 2021 during Corona a week course of Githa Ben-David’s International Education in Vocal Sound Therapy was filmed for online purpose on Vimeo. The 18 lectures were recorded with a group of real time participants plus 13 online participants. The experience of the films are like participating in an online live webinar. The films are edited, so that the content is precise and with a clear overview.

Please respect the people who have agreed to join in these education films by not sharing the films with anybody else.


Content of the Online Education Week

18 pre-recorded lecture videos (available for unlimited time as long as you keep your codes).A test meeting in Jitsi Meet

The date is Tuesday the 15th.August 2023 – at 8:30 Am  or at 5:30 Pm CEST. – room: thenotefromheaven

Browser: Google crome

2 hours live QPS meetings (Questions, Practise, Sharing)

5-12 people per meeting daily with Githa Ben-David


Written material for the education

Organisation of follow-up practise groups

Plan for the online week course

Sunday live meeting

Introduction, names and blessing of the participants

Questions for Lecture 1 (one film)

Group work


Monday live meeting

20 min. questions for Lecture 2 & 3 (two films)

Demonstration, practise, sharing, listening, singing

Group work


Tuesday live meeting

20 min. questions for Lecture 4, 5 & 6 (three films)

Demonstration, practise, sharing, listening, singing


Wednesday live meeting

20 min. questions for Lecture 7, 8 & 9 (three films)

Demonstration, practise, sharing, listening, singing

Group work


Thursday live meeting

20 min. questions for Lecture 10, 11 & 12 (thee films)

Demonstration, practise, sharing, listening, singing


Wear white clothes and bring a candle and matches.

You have the possibility to say ‘yes’ to serve ‘The Note from Heaven’ (the higher powers).


Friday live meeting

20 min. questions for Lecture 13, 14 & 15 (three films)

Demonstration, practise, sharing, listening, singing

Group work



Free practise with each other or with other people

Sunday live meeting

Evaluation of the free practise, Saturday

20 min. questions for Lecture 16, 17 & 18 (three films)

Demonstration, practise, sharing, listening, singing, practise, group work

Eventually an online experiment.









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