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Vocal Sound Healing -Important information

Dear Sound Healers

Thank you to all of you who participated in the last meeting Thursday the 25th of April.

The last Thursday in each month we have an open and free gathering 8-9 PM in jitsi meet. Room: Thenotefromheaven

Next time is the 30th of May 8-9PM

At the last meeting we discussed the “Price of a treatment with Vocal Sound Therapy”. The discussion started because a young Sound-healer, on the basis of two week courses, made an advertisement in Facebook where she offered treatments for up to  750 Dkk  (100 €)for 50-60 minutes and had divided the disciplines in my education into different offerings.  Neither over- nor under-pricing can pay off. So where is the right price level, and where does low self-esteem end, and where does over-confidence and or greed take the lead?

I have only recently raised my price to 800 Dkk (106 €) for one hour sound healing in the phone. Merete raised at the same time her price from 500 Dkk to 650 Dkk (65-85 €). It has been a healthy discussion at the last meeting, and the outcome of it is the following:

  1. Sound healing is not yet accepted by the conventional system. This means that the higher salary, the more vulnerable you/our field will be for attacks. You will be watched careful by the conventional system and or the press, if you take a high fee. We must therefore keep humble and thread carefully, even the work has an incredible effect.
  2. As long as you are studying with me, you should present your self as a student of Vocal Sound Healing, initially take guinea pigs for 2-300 Dkk (30 -40 €) pr session (30-60 min). Some sound healing students are quick to dare to have clients, others only feel ready after 3-4 week courses. Other students are already functioning as therapists and have a lot of experience in their field. For them it may be easier to integrate sound healing in for example physiotherapy, work as a psychologist, acupuncture, nursing, midwifery etc.. Therefore we cannot set a fixed price. I help students to get guinea pigs through my network. Therefore I wish to be informed, if a newer student wish to use the methods belonging to The Note from heaven, and take a price in line with experienced Sound healers (6-800 Dkk/80-110 € pr hour). When you start to get results, it is easy to get inflated and to think that now you are able to solve ALL problems, with the help of spirit. Humbleness and respect is number one. You can fly high, but also fall far down and get hurt. It is all about balance.
  3. One mann (Kai), who has participated in four week courses, said that he never takes money for his sound healing, so that is very easy. If you can afford to live, I understand his view, because it is indeed hard to take money for energy that is manifested through you from a higher power. A part of the healing process is though also to exchange energy and your time – office work as well as treatment. Be aware of this. I have full respect for people who wish to make a living… but it is indeed a delicate balance.
  4. The more results we get, the more people will wish Vocal Sound Healing. The prices will then raise naturally. If you take too high a price, the clients will stay away. If you have too many clients, raise the price…
  5. My fee level should not be standing in the way for sound healers to live properly. If it happens to be so, I will raise the price. For example it could  be  800 Dkk plus VAT 25 % for 1 hour. Each step has its own time. I am usually making one session and then passing the client on to appropriate sound healers.
  6.  We suggest that the first session you charge for 1,5 hour, if you feel ready for making interview, instructing in The Note from Heaven… regressive cellsing….sound healing. The following sessions you will charge for one hour.

Sound Healing Retreat Center

We are on the edge to take a big step, as the possibility for opening an ongoing Retreat Center in Molino Del Rey, South of Spain, has shown up. This will require more vocal sound healers that are able to treat even serious illnesses. If the Retreat-Center will be a reality, then we must prepare our selves. The Sound Healers will then naturally earn a fee, but before it comes to this, you must have enough experience and also it is important that you know Hung Song and the meridians, in order that we will have the same approach to the healings and the patients protocols.

To put a finger in the ground, we start with 3 weeks intensive courses for primarily Vocal Sound Healers. – This is also for the ones that are already educated, but who still does not use the meridians as a part of their Vocal treatment. It is great to diagnose the root course of a trauma, and to activate the electrical system with Hung Song – both for treating others and for treating one self. It is crucial that the ones who work in The Note from Heaven Retreat Center will be agreeing in the basic method and that there will be peace and harmony between us.

It is our/my plan in the longer run to rent or buy a house, near by Molino del Rey, where the Sound healers can live cheaper, separate from the patients.

17th-23’rd of Nov.2024: Week one is a traditional course where also beginners can participate.

23’rd Nov -1st of Dec.2024: We continue the basics, but with focus in learning the lines of the 12 basic Meridians. – 8th of Dec 2024: We continue the basics but with focus in learning the lines of the 8 Extra ordinary Vessels for Psycho Emotional Pain.

For all meridians there are recorded webinars, that can be purchased for studying on your own too.

The prices will be 4000 Dkk pr week for teaching if you take all 3 weeks plus about 18.000 Dkk for the accomodtion (Molino del Rey). In 2025 the prices are raised for accomodation in Molino del Rey.

This means 30.000 Dkk for three weeks (without VAT).

One weeks of teaching: 6000 Dkk, Two weeks: 10.000 Dkk. Three weeks: 12.000 Dkk

19th of January – 16th of March we will start a pup up Retreat center for maximum 7-8 serious patients (single rooms) and (5 sound healers) at a time. People will flow in and out and pay a basic fee 2000 Dkk (280 €) for 3 hours daily teaching/healing/singing in group every morning. The rest of the day is free for treatments, which will be purchased from the sound healers/ Merete & Githa. We will have different jobs available beside this too. It is all a testing if the time is ready to make such a Retreat center. Later on it could be all the year, if it develops positively. The Payment of the accommodation to Molino will be their price, or you are welcome to sleep in another place close to Molino del Rey. Simon the cook will still be cookking, but we will see to get only organic food.

This project is not official yet, as there are still some loose ends to solve.

All the best from Githa



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