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Relaxing charging song

Relaxation with Recharging of Your Light Body
This song is build up using monotone verses, which the singer her/himself can adjust the lyrics of, so the recipient’s specific needs are met. The structure of the song might remind you of a lullaby, but differs by being made to be sung for adults, as well as being closely connected to a normal relaxation of the body. There are 26 verses in the basic structure, which is recorded on the CD/file: ”Sound in Silence”. Be aware that there is a Danish and an English version.

Here, we explore the body from the feet up. What is special about the relaxation song is the recharging, which is built into the content of the lyrics and works because our minds are influenced by both sound, which leads the listerner down into the subconscious, as well as by words, which focuses this sound to specific places. The body is laid down to rest, while the energized zones are invited up into the light to be charged. The recharging song can be used for group healing, where a healer through song can send energy to the exact places that is sung about in the verses. Thereby the consciousness of the listeners are drawn to the same place.

There is a lot of tenderness in this process. The song lasts for twenty minutes on average, and you gain a recharge, which equates to app. two to three hours of sleep.

This is the lyric, which you can adjust as needed.

Song for relaxation with recharging of the light body.
Copyrights Githa Ben-David

  1. Your breath is merging
    into an infinite darkness
    Sinking deep down
    leaving all tension behind

Your breath light body is lifted 

high up above
blessed by heavenly light,   blessed by heavenly light

  1. Your thoughts are merging
    into an infinite darkness
    Sinking deep down
    leaving all tension behind

Your thought’s light body is lifted 
high up above
blessed by heavenly light -Blessed by heavenly light

  1. The feet are merging
    into an infinite darkness
    Sinking deep down
    leaving all tension behind

Your breath light body is lifted 

high up above
blessed by  heavenly light -Blessed by heavenly light.

  1. Your ankles are merging
    into an infinite darkness
    Sinking deep down
    leaving all tension behind

Your ankle’s light body is lifted 

high up above
blessed by heavenly light -Blessed by heavenly light

  1. Your knees are merging
    into an infinite darkness
    Sinking deep down
    leaving all tension behind

Your knee’s light body is lifted 

high up above
blessed by heavenly light -Blessed by heavenly light

  1. Your thighs are merging
    into an infinite darkness
    Sinking deep down
    leaving all tension behind

Your thigh’s light body is lifted 

high up above
blessed by God’s heavenly light -Blessed by God’s heavenly light

  1. Your hips are merging
    into an infinite darkness
    Sinking deep down
    leaving all tension behind

Your hip´s light body is lifted 

high up above
blessed by God’s heavenly light -Blessed by God’s heavenly light

  1. Your stomach is merging
    into an infinite darkness
    Sinking deep down
    leaving all tension behind

Your stomach’s light body is lifted 

high up above
blessed by God’s heavenly light -Blessed by God’s heavenly light

  1. Your diaphragm is merging
    into an infinite darkness
    Sinking deep down
    leaving all tension behind

Your breath light body is lifted 

high up above
blessed by God’s heavenly light -Blessed by God’s heavenly light

  1. Your breast is merging
    into an infinite darkness
    Sinking deep down
    leaving all tension behind

Your breast’s light body is lifted 

high up above
blessed by God’s heavenly light -Blessed by God’s heavenly light

  1. Your back is merging
    into an infinite darkness
    Sinking deep down
    leaving all tension behind

Your back’s light body is lifted 

high up above
blessed by God’s heavenly light -Blessed by God’s heavenly light

  1. Your hands are merging
    into an infinite darkness
    Sinking deep down
    leaving all tension behind

Your hand’s light body is lifted 

high up above
blessed by God’s heavenly light -Blessed by God’s heavenly light

  1. Your arms are merging
    into an infinite darkness
    Sinking deep down
    leaving all tension behind

Your arm’s light body is lifted 

high up above
blessed by God’s heavenly light -Blessed by God’s heavenly light

  1. Your shoulders are merging
    into an infinite darkness
    Sinking deep down
    leaving all tension behind

Your shoulder’s light body is lifted 

high up above
blessed by God’s heavenly light -Blessed by God’s heavenly light

  1. Your throat is merging
    into an infinite darkness
    Sinking deep down
    leaving all tension behind

Your throat’s light body is lifted 

high up above
blessed by God’s heavenly light -Blessed by God’s heavenly light

  1. Your neck is merging
    into an infinite darkness
    Sinking deep down
    leaving all tension behind

Your neck’s light body is lifted 

high up above
blessed by God’s heavenly light -Blessed by God’s heavenly light

  1. Your jaws merging
    into an infinite darkness
    Sinking deep down
    leaving all tension behind

Your jaw’s light body is lifted 

high up above
blessed by God’s heavenly light -Blessed by God’s heavenly light

  1. Your face is merging
    into an infinite darkness
    Sinking deep down
    leaving all tension behind

Your face light body is lifted 

high up above
blessed by God’s heavenly light -Blessed by God’s heavenly light

  1. Your ears are merging
    into an infinite darkness
    Sinking deep down
    leaving all tension behind

Your ear’s light body is lifted 

high up above
blessed by God’s heavenly light -Blessed by God’s heavenly light

  1. Your eyes are merging
    into an infinite darkness
    Sinking deep down
    leaving all tension behind

Your eyes light body is lifted 

high up above
blessed by God’s heavenly light -Blessed by God’s heavenly light

  1. Your forehead is merging
    into an infinite darkness
    Sinking deep down
    leaving all tension behind

Your forehead’s light body is lifted 

high up above
blessed by God’s heavenly light -Blessed by God’s heavenly light

  1. Your crown is merging
    into an infinite darkness
    Sinking deep down
    leaving all tension behind

A silver thread is unfolded 

high up above
blessed by God’s heavenly light -Blessed by God’s heavenly light

(Humming and healing)

  1. Your body is merging
    into an infinite darkness
    Sinking deep down
    leaving all tension behind

Your cells light body is lifted 

high up above
blessed by God’s heavenly light -Blessed by God’s heavenly light

  1. Compassion is merging
    into each corner of darkness
    Healing deep down
    balance your body and soul

Your soul’s light body is lifted 

high up above
blessed by God’s heavenly light -Blessed by God’s heavenly light

(Humming and healing)

  1. Your soul’s light body is lifted 

    high up above
    blessed by God’s heavenly light -Blessed by God’s heavenly light
  2. Your body is waking
    gently and slowly come back now
    back to this world
    leaving all darkness behind

Your Souls origin is balanced 

lovely and pure
blessed by God’s heavenly light -Blessed by God’s heavenly light

  1. Now take a deep breath
    into your stomach and exhale
    on a heartfelt sigh
    stretch out your body and yawn

You’ll meet the world in balance
serving the whole
blessed by God’s heavenly light -Blessed by God’s heavenly light

Afspændingssang med opladning af lyskrop (Copywright – Githa Ben-David)

Tre lette klokkeslag

1. Åndedrættet synker
ind i mørkets uendelighed
synker dybt ned
spænder helt af nu.

Åndedrættets lyskrop
løftes højt op
/:Velsignes i himlens lys:/

2. Lad din tanke synke
ind i mørkets uendelighed
synke dybt ned
spænder helt af nu.

Dine tankers lyskrop
løftes højt op
/:Velsignes i himlens lys:/

3. Dine fødder synker
ind i mørkets uendelighed
synker dybt ned
spænder helt af nu.

føddernes lyskrop
løftes højt op
/:Velsignes i himlens lys:/

4. Dine ankler synker
ind i mørkets uendelighed
synker dybt ned
spænder helt af nu.

Anklernes lyskrop
løftes højt op
/:Velsignes i himlens lys:/

5. Knæene synker
ind i mørkets uendelighed
synker dybt ned
spænder helt af nu.

Knæenes lyskrop
løftes højt op
/:Velsignes i himlens lys:/

6. Underlivet synker
ind i mørkets uendelighed
synker dybt ned
spænder helt af nu.

Underlivets lyskrop
løftes højt op
/:Velsignes i himlens lys:/

7. Lad din mave synke
ind i mørkets uendelighed
synke dybt ned
spænder helt af nu.

Hele mavens lyskrop
løftes højt op
/:Velsignes i himlens lys:/

8. Mellemgulvet synker
ind i mørkets uendelighed
synker dybt ned
spænder helt af nu

Mellemgulvets lyskrop
løftes højt op
/:Velsignes i himlens lys:/

9. Brystkassen synker
ind i mørkets uendelighed
synker dybt ned
spænder helt af nu.

Brystkassens lyskrop
løftes højt op
/:Velsignes i himlens lys:/

10. Hele ryggen synker
ind i mørkets uendelighed
synker dybt ned
spænder helt af nu.

Hele ryggens lyskrop
løftes højt op
/:Velsignes i himlens lys:/

11. Dine hænder synker
ind i mørkets uendelighed
synker dybt ned
spænder helt af nu.

Hændernes lyskrop
løftes højt op
/:Velsignes i himlens lys:/

12. Dine arme synker
ind i mørkets uendelighed
synker dybt ned
spænder helt af nu.

Armenes lyskrop
løftes højt op
/:Velsignes i himlens lys:/

13. Dine skuldre synker
ind i mørkets uendelighed
synker dybt ned
spænder helt af nu.

Skuldrenes lyskrop
løftes højt op
/:Velsignes i himlens lys:/

14. Halsområdet synker
ind i mørkets uendelighed
synker dybt ned
spænder helt af nu.

halsområdets lyskrop
løftes højt op
/:Velsignes i himlens lys:/

15. Baghovedet synker
ind i mørkets uendelighed
synker dybt ned
spænder helt af nu

Baghovedets lyskrop
løftes højt op
/:Velsignes i himlens lys:/

16. Kæberne synker
ind i mørkets uendelighed
synker dybt ned
spænder helt af nu

Kæbernes lyskrop
løftes højt op
/:Velsignes i himlens lys:/

17. Hørelsen synker
ind i mørkets uendelighed
synker dybt ned
spænder helt af nu

Høresansens lyskrop
løftes højt op
/:Velsignes i himlens lys:/

18. Dine øjne synker
ind i mørkets uendelighed
synker dybt ned
spænder helt af nu.

Øjnenes lyskrop
løftes højt op
/:Velsignes i himlens lys:/

19. Lad din pande synke
ind i mørkets uendelighed
synker dybt ned
spænder helt af nu.

Pandechakraets lyskrop
løftes højt op
/:Velsignes i himlens lys:/

20. Lad dine krone synke
ind i mørkets uendelighed
synker dybt ned
spænder helt af nu.

Sølvtrådens lyskrop
løftes højt op
/:udfoldes i himlens lys:/

Tre lette klokkeslag

Nynne et vers

21. Hele kroppen hviler
i mørkets uendelighed
synker dybt ned
spænder helt af nu

Dine cellers lyskrop
løftes højt op
/:Velsignes i himlens lys:/

22. Fuldkommenheden synker
 ind i kroppens oprindelighed
synker dybt ned
spænder helt af nu

Fuldkommenhedens lyskrop
løftes højt op
/:udfoldes i himlens lys:/

Nynne et vers

23. Kroppen forlader
nu mørkets uendelighed
vågner op nu
i fuld afspændthed.

Sjælen er tilbage
/:Velsignet af himlens lys:/

24. Fyld dine lunger
træk vejret dybt ned i maven
stræk din krop nu
og ånd langsomt ud

Du møder verden
i balance
/:Velsignet af himlens lys:/

Tre lette klokkeslag

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