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Peace- letter from Githa Ben-David

Dear Friends

Conflicts, contradictions, climate changes –  clouds – Consciousness – “C-words” –  all reflected in us and our reactions. With consciousness we can rise above the clouds and remember that we are all one – Make the C become a united “O”. The challenge is to keep the balance and avoid any kind of radicalism, because then the weight will get out of balance. Watching the medias causes fear and pain, but we cannot just close  our eyes to what is going on. Who can judge? Innocent people pay  with inhuman suffering  as a result of political decisions, historical hate, radical nationalism, religion… As we are all one, the traumas, are everybody’s traumas because we –most of us- feel compassion and a wish to act on it.

It is a natural and healthy reaction to feel like getting rid of emotions, so that the fear and traumatization will not cause illness in our organism. The fast way is to judge and get angry, which can escalate violence, stress and suffering.

The best we can do, for me to see, is to raise our consciousness above our pain and to sing it out in combination with letting the body move, cry, react as dramatically as it wants to. This does not make the tragedy smaller, but by expressing emotion, you stop the suffering to spread. In this way we can think clear and act above the emotional level.

We know now that we can pass energy through the Hung Song/Vocal Sound Healing online. There are plenty of healings happening and more and more Vocal Sound Therapists are getting results. These results I will share in another mail, as I am packking for doing 14 days teaching in Spain. Pancreatic cancer seems for an example to be sensitive to vocal sound. Since this ailment is conventionally incurable, it would be great to have this scientifically investigated.

In order to do my part of supporting people to rise their consciousness through this time, I have scheduled 8 Sundays and 8 Mondays with live webinars about Psycho Emotional Pain (the 8 Extraordinary Vessels). The Sunday webinars in 2023 are free  8-9 Pm (Cest). Please feel free to share these links:

Sunday the 19th of November: Theory of Chong Mai;
Monday the 20th of November: Vocal Sound Healing of Chong Mai

Sunday the 3rd of December: Theory of Ren Mai
Monday the 4th of December: Vocal Sound Healing of Ren Mai

In Mondays following the Sunday webinars, I give Sound healing with adjustment to the audience´s wishes. These webinars cost 180 Dkk (includes 25 % Vat).
All Mondays from 8-9 Pm (Cest) once a month. Dates in 2024 can be seen/ purchased in

From 1.January 2024 Vocal Sound Healing Organization VSHO is established. From then my free webinars will be for members (200 Dkk a year). The deep purpose of VSHO you will hear about later, but shortly said the purpose is to unite and nourish the vocal sound healers so that we can develop the best possible treatment for the receivers. In VSHO there will also be main members, who will receive free webinars from Githa BD and some of the other Vocal Sound Therapists.

The 17th of Dec. We, Ghil and Githa, make a live Christmas Concert in the Unitarian Church 200 Dkk, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Here is a small film from our last concert in the Unitarian Church, where there was a very lovely and healing atmosphere:

The 21’st of Dec. We, Ghil and Githa make an online Christmas Concert from our home 180 Dkk. ready to sing along.

If there is interest for it (some have requested it) I will make an International Online Education week the 14 th – 21’st of January 2024. Please contact, if you are interested to join. 

Saturday the 21’st  I am going to Malaga/ Molino Del Rey in Jorox to teach in my International Education 22-29th of October. From the 29th of Oct – 5th of Nov, I am making an unofficial week where we test “Singing for Cancer”. Both trained sound therapists and sick people are joining. If you are feeling an urge to participate because of a diagnosis, we might have an extra place. Please then write an sms to 0045 41 27 32 33.

You are not alone. With our voices we can activate our consciousness and support anybody who reaches out with Love and Light – anywhere in the world, regardless of nationality, belief, background.

The collective ferry, which we are all in, is slowly, but steadily shifting  course from greed- to love land.


Githa Ben-David





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