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Below you will find cases from sound therapists who have created positive changes in a wide range of areas.

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Githa Ben-DavidEmblem pos


Jonas Rödningen


Remote session (video call). The client (a man), had a wish to release his resistance to expressing love authentically. He sang himself free (regressive cell singing), and Jonas shared intuitive sounds sometimes at the same time as the client expressed his own sounds.

Feedback after the session: It initiated many internal processes, and he really appreciated the session. He said he had remained on his floor for hours after our time together, because it felt right, allowing the healing processes in his being to continue to unfold.. before he sank into a healing sleep. "I'd love a follow-up session after a while".

Githa Ben-DavidEmblem pos


Merete Vestergaard Mail: telephone: +45 20986209

Lena writes to me and asks, if I will try to sing on her knee. The doctor has diagnosed osteoarthritis. She has been in severe pain for several months.

Process: 1 treatment
Distant sound healing. We didn ́t meet. We have just made an appointment.

Lena did not sense anything during the sound healing. But a week after the treatment, she writes to me:

“Now a week has passed, and I must say, there is a change. The pain, I have felt for so long.. like a knife in my knee, is no longer there. It is gone. Thank you so much for your time and your care. I think it is so beautiful, that you from a distance – have sung for me and my knee”. Lena

Githa Ben-DavidEmblem pos

Sprained foot

Merete Vestergaard Mail: telephone: +45 20986209

A 15-year-old girl sprained her foot at a dance competition. Both ankle, forefoot and 2 toes were swollen and blue. During an examination in the emergency room, the doctor found a severe sprain of both ankle, forefoot and toes – and damaged ligaments too.

Process: 1 treatment.
Distant sound healing. We didn ́t meet. We just made an appointment for online sound healing.

The young girl ́s parents didn ́t believe, that vocal sound healing could help their daughter. They contacted me, because the girl herself wanted to try it. She did not sense anything during the healing, nor did she feel any improvement in the first days after the healing. So she only wanted this one treatment – and that was enough – 3 weeks later she could dance again.

Githa Ben-DavidEmblem pos
Merete Vestergaard Mail: telephone: +45 20986209
Githa Ben-DavidEmblem pos


Merete Vestergaard  Telefon: 20986209

Heling af brækket hofte (efter operation). Behandler: Merete Vestergaard

En kvinde på 74 var faldet og havde brækket hoften. Hofteskålen blev ved faldet helt adskilt fra lårbenshovedet og kvinden fik indsat en kunstig hofteskål.

Forløb: 6 behandlinger – 1 hver uge i 6 uger
Fjernlydhealing efter aftale. Vi mødtes ikke. Vi havde blot en aftale om, at jeg sang på hende.

Klienten kom sig meget hurtigt. Efter 3 uger kunne hun gå uden at støtte sig til en rollator og hun kunne gradvist genoptage dagligdags-opgaver i hjemmet. Efter 6 uger kunne hun køre bil igen og fungerer nu efter eget udsagn næsten som før faldet.

”Det er fantastisk. Tak.” Karen.

Githa Ben-DavidEmblem pos

Clogged Ears

Helle Hewau

A woman with clogged ears after a cold, sits at the side of her husband while he receives sound healing for hearing loss. She has done this before and has felt uplifted by the sound. Now she feels the sound hurting her ears and she sticks her fingers in them. After ten minutes, the clogging wears off as well as the pain.

Githa Ben-DavidEmblem pos

Stress (English)

A woman facing a complicated divorce, is stressed, angry, sad and troubled. After the first healing she goes to sleep immediately, when going to bed, for the first time in months. She sleeps through and wakes up feeling well rested. Normally her thoughts spin ‘till two o’clock in the morning. She receives healing once a week for four weeks. She sleeps impeccably and becomes calm and able to enter mediation with her ex-husband.

Githa Ben-DavidEmblem pos

Hearing ailments

Helle Hewau

An elderly man used hearing aids and is almost deaf. He receives healing once a week for six weeks and he is now able to function without hearing aid, though a little reduced hearing remains.

Githa Ben-DavidEmblem pos


Helle Hewau

A woman has a bad tinnitus and hears not very well. She feels isolated at work, as she has difficulty in participating in conversations with many people present. She doesn’t feel heard and has a big need to talk. At the beginning she receives sound healing, once a week, and the tinnitus changes. During the healing, it vanishes and returns after a few hours, but the sounds in her ear becomes deeper. She normally wakes at night with high screaming tones in her ear, that stops totally, after the first therapy. She starts working with the Note from Heaven, singing Aaahh every day for ten minutes, to a tuning fork. This helps her to sease the focus in her  emotions and to concentrate on singing. She starts singing 2 x 10-15 minutes per day and receives sound healing once a week. Her need for talking reduces and her hearing improves, markedly after a couple of months and the tinnitus is markedly, reduced to a buzzing. The client who was singing out of key, now sings in key.

Githa Ben-DavidEmblem pos


Helle Hewau

A younger woman has suffered from an unexplainable dizziness for several years. She sometimes is only a little dizzy, sometimes a lot but it never stays away completely. After the first therapy the symptoms wears off completely and it lasts for three weeks, then it returns and she receives another three sessions, and it wears off, slowly, meaning that she experiences to be free of dizziness, for periods of time, every day. We discover that it helps her making undertones (rattle sounds), which she starts doing every time she feels dizzy. She receives another three healings and the dizziness, wears off completely. If it arises, she makes rattle sounds a few minutes until it stops. She had eczema, which also disappeared.

Githa Ben-DavidEmblem pos


Helle Hewau

A woman has suffered from severe headaches over the left eye for some time. After the first sound-therapy, the headaches wear off but returns in a milder version after a few days. After the second therapy a week later it wears completely off. The sound healing also loosens tension in the neck and loin.

Githa Ben-DavidEmblem pos
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