Examination in Vocal Sound Therapy
Minimum requirements:
I) 4 week courses (online-physical)- some people have 8 courses.
II) 30 documented journals/cases (minimum 20 different clients- not fellow students),
III) Answering the evaluative questions.
The questions can be used at any time as an evaluation. For the examination, if possible, collaborate with a partner from the sound healing training so that you read and correct each others answers and afterwards review the areas where there are weaknesses/strengths. The evaluating answers are then send to Githa Ben-David who shares them with two censors. Now you are ready to continue the examination.
IV) Create two films:
Film 1. A short presentation of your self and testimonies from 1-3 clients (3- 8 minutes). The clients must give permission for their testimonies to be shared officially, for example in your home page or in Facebook.
Film 2. A live recording of a session with you and a client. Excerpts of: the breathing work, the client expressing the Note from Heaven/ regressive cell-singing and or you giving them Vocal Wellness. The clients feed back after the treatment (5-8 minutes all in all).
Film 1 is partly an examination task partly an advertisement, that you can use in your homepage or facebook page, and also eventually (if it is a good film) a way to present your work in Githa’s you tube channel, if it is good enough.
In the education groups please collaborate and help each other technically in order to make the film as good as possible.
Remember to make the client give you a written permission to publish the film.
Film 2 is not published officially unless the client agree about it/there is a specific situation.
There should be full confidentiality and discretion. This works also for the censors.
The censors looks at the tasks and will get to a conclusion: Passed or not passed.
If you do not pass (but have 30 cases), you get a chance to make a new film or to re-answer the evaluating questions.
Emphasis is placed on that you show: The basic breathing instruction methods used in the courses: The Note from Heaven, Vocal Sound Scanning and or Regressive Cell-singing and a clear response from the client.
Eksamensgebyret er kr. 3500 kr. Du kan tilmelde dig eksamen her
Kontakt Githa Ben-David for nærmere information.