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International Education in Vocal Sound Healing

                                                                                      By Githa Ben-David

Sound and consciousness work together, just like like a touch is felt by the skin where you are touched.

If you focus your voice onto a specific point, the sound will follow your intention and work exactly there.

Undertones can create and add mechanical energy to a specific area and thereby strengthens the organism to self-heal in a process that feels well and therefore is called: Vocal Wellness. 
With the use of anatomical charts it is possible to focus in any part of the body, for instance the cone-shaped pineal gland, and decalcify/stimulate it with Hung Song. Hung Song (inner undertones) can be used to stimulate not only yourself but others as well, as the Hung sound will sound out like an alarm signal (a very distinct sound, impossible to mistake for  anything else), when you find an area of weakened or stagnated energy.
After the placement of a trauma is discovered,  the next step is to sound scan with vowels and slide with the voice to discover which exact sound frequency the area of the body is calling for. You keep going until the area of the body no longer gives off any sound of trauma (2-3 minutes max). The sound of our voice works without any major side effects, but you have to moderate and only apply a maximum of 20 minutes of direct sound treatment to avoid any strong detox-like reactions.

There is a distinct need for Vocal Wellness in our world. To ensure the quality of the therapists, doctors, psychologists, nurses, pedagogues, musicians, artists, teachers, scientists…who practise using the methods of Githa Ben-David, or who supplement their work with Vocal Wellness, participants can opt to pass an exam, based on Githa’s books ”The Ultimate Book on Vocal Sound Healing”, ”Help” and ”Heal the Pineal”. Githa Ben-David has 36 years of “voice”-on working experience within her field, and also the experiences students over the years have contributed and continues to contribute with. The education is based on surrendering to ”The Note from Heaven”, which you can read more about in Githa Ben-David’s book of the same title and or in “The Ultimate Book on Vocal Sound Healing”

The International Education in Vocal Wellness provides the students with the space to release their voice through attentive listening, recognizing who they truly are. The process supports the participants in reclaiming their confidence, dissolving stress. They will first and foremost experience how a higher force  expressed through their own voice starts to work through them.     

The aim of the education is to liberate the true expression of each and every one, and to bring to light the healing qualities of the voice. No two voices are alike. Every single voice is a special gift, offering its unique qualities. This applies to the tone-deaf as well.

Curriculum of International Education in Vocal Sound Healing

*Opening the voice through meditative song.
*To expand the ability to enter a vocal state of complete surrender
*Work on Breathing from the abodmen/belly
*To work with ‘tape’ recordings of yourself *Awareness of the  movement between  Oneness and Duality.                                            *The Grail symbol.

*To work with tonal intervals *Sa Re Gha (Indian solfege). The Indian note names are learned, and these are related to the body and colors.

* Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and the Seventh intervals are learned.

Instruction in how to play a fifth in a piano or a harmonium – an Indian organ. Tanpoura or string instruments.


*Developing intuition through singing ”The Note from Heaven”.
* Attention to physical navigation signs.
*Clarification of your personal intuitive mode of communication.

*Strenghtening of faith in the vocal sound work.

*Awareness of using/letting go of your will in the right moments.

*Practise the ability to move with flexibility between being and observing, Oneness and duality.

*To inhabit the healer’s archetype.


*To work with integrating the ego into the sound healing process.

*Ethics, self-criticism

*Awareness of your own positive and negative thought patterns and their impact.

*Work to come to a realisation of controlling a judgemental/condemning behaviour.

*Hamster in the wheel reactions.

*Pain-body patterns



*The importance of humor. *Releasing your inhibitions with dignity.

* Moving in the space between humor and seriousness.

*Seeing challenges from above.

Physical as well as mental, meditative exercises for balancing brain, body, nervous system

* Amygdala Hippocampus
* The Brain Stem
* The Hormonal System
* Solar Plexus
* Inner organs
* Lymphatic system.

*Learning to hear over and undertones.

*The structure of the Universe in relation to overtone fractals and our cells.

*Quantum leap and the concept of infinity.

*Awareness of the different modes of energy & cymatics.

*Hung Song (inner undertones)
*Open Undertones on vowels
* The subconscious/Dai Mai
*Detox effect
*The effect of undertones on the skeleton.

*The spiral shape of water stimulated by 23-25 Hz.

*DNA stimulation

*Hung Song Activation of the 12 basic Meridians
*Animal sounds – Bee-sounds (Api therapy) – The purring of the cat.

Choric sound healing is a practice of listening intensively to each other and the resonance of the clients, and therefore can only be practised with students physically present.

Half of the group sing for the other half who are lying down. We practise polyphony and physically experience how tonal intervals are felt by our bodies. We especially work within the feeling of the Fifth, the Third, the Fourth and the Seventh. The aim of the entire exercise is to create Vocal Wellness music. We also work with the effect of shifting between dissonance and harmony and in the end of an education week usually the group has integrated such a wonderful listening, that the choir works intuitively  like one interconnected organism. 

Sound scanning is founded in Hung – Song, which works as an autonome radio-signal which has shown to change through a remarkable signal when hitting an unbalanced energy in a body. With the help of Hung Song it is possible to map the areas where the body is calling out for sound. One of the most important tools in Vocal Wellness.

*Navigation signs/sound. Awareness of listening to your body’s physical reactions to a Singer’s vocal expression and or your own sound’s resonance with a receiver or fellow Singer.


A precise formulation of:

  1. The client’s wish
  2. Basic feelings.
  3. Mapping the physical tensions/somatic reaction on tricker words.
  4. Tricker words
  5. Tools to avoid different aspects of a client crossing the boundaries of the therapist.
  6. Tools to avoid the therapist in crossing  the client’s boundaries.
  • The participants learn to support each other in singing themselves free, based on a contract made in the Interview (13)
  • Integrating Vocal Wellness, regression and movement.
  • Expressing your authentic voice during the process.
  • Transformation of the root  cause of a trauma through images and storytelling which can appear from the unconscious during the singing.

1. Sound Scanning

*To hear overtones within tonality
* To develop the ability to listen
* To trust the signals you are hearing

2. To do a Vocal Wellness treatment by using autonomic maps and or a fixed form.

3. The significance of ceremonies

*  Awareness of your own idea on which forces work through you.
* The significance of these ideas

4. Structures of energy


5. Side effects
*Supplementary treatment
*Liver poultice
*Endpcrine reactions
*Decalcification of the Pineal gland
*The nature of toxic substances

6. Anatomy
* The energy system of the body
* The 12 basic Meridians (extra course)
* The 8 Extra Ordinary Meridians (extra course) 
* The language of the muscles

7. Practicing Vocal Wellness with guinea pigs. Cases are journalized.

8. Leading a Vocal Wellness group
* Vocal Wellness modes within shared sessions.

10. Practical information on Vocal Wellness.

Vocal Wellness works as well and sometimes even better through the phone, shows experiments. People from all over the world can participate and the experience shows that the participators practice more together subsequently compared to the “physical” students. It is easy and time saving to meet on-line and al though the experience of the sound in no way can be compared to the physical experience, the energy passes and the healing works according to our results as well . The advantage in “Online International Education in Vocal Wellness” is that it saves a lot of time/polution when you can do a treatment in your home through the phone. Sick  people can receive treatment in their bed and or as a supplement in hospitals  that they never could receive in any other way. The results speak for themselve and do indicate that the effect is stronger than a physical treatment. 

The body is relaxed deeply by singing a verse to each part of the body. This mode of song is a good way to start or end as lullabies are relaxing and soothing. This song can be downloaded in Githa Ben-David’s album: Sound in Silence

Write a journal. You get acess to it when participating in an education week. Your best cases can be typed onto your own homepage and be linked to your name on the database of Vocal Wellness cases on

21. Homework in between the week courses
Practise “The Note from Heaven”. Practise Vocal Wellness, group work with each other/guinea pigs. Read Githa’s books.
*Online education:
1. Buy/watch the 18 basic online lessons.  
2. Buy/watch the 12 basic  Meridian Webinars 
3. Buy/watch the 8  webinars of Extra Ordinary Vessels for Psycho Emotional Pain.

You can pinpoint Vocal Wellness using knowledge of the 12 basic meridians of the body, as each meridian serves as electrical chords that can be activated by sound. It is not an examination requirement to know about meridians, but using this is a great advantage. If you want to learn about using Hung Song to activate the meridians, you can buy Githa’s edited webinars here.

You can keep contact to fellow Vocal Wellness Therapists in free meetings that are primarily held online the last Thursday at 8-9 PM each month. For Christmas and holidays, there may be changes. Read Githa Ben-David’s Newsletter to get updated.

Githa Ben-David reserves the rights to any changes that may occur.

Supplementary material


Books, film & music
by Githa Be-David

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