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Summer Sounds from Githa Ben-David (July 2023)

Dear Friends

Summer is time for holiday and loving presence. Here in Denmark my garden is booming with greens, fruits and berries…

So does the sound work. Due to participation in a film, I cannot share all the fantastic things that are happening and have happened, but I can say that scientists and medical doctors are starting to take an interest in the results we have.

When I write “we”, it is especially Merete Vestergaard and me, that applies. Merete has a lot of clients plus 4 online sessions weekly. She has gone “all in” and lives from Vocal Sound Therapy.

The scientific interest in the Note from Heaven/Hung Song has been increased after I lectured at the Science and Medical Network’s seminar focusing on sound in April.

The vocal sound opens up to overtones and undertones, spiraling fractals, which can lead to a fundamental shift in consciousness: We can connect with Oneness- nature – each other anywhere and anytime. It takes courage to integrate this realization, because an expansion of consciousness can create separation from your close surroundings.: You “know”, but cannot necessarily explain yourself, because it is a personal experience. This is why the scientific evidence is so important.


Selected case stories with online treatment:
*Cancer brain tumor has apparently disappeared. A Young mother is now coming back to herself and is on vacation with her family. In May, she was given up at the hospital, laying paralyzed (right side) in the hospice, suffering from daily epileptic seizures. Merete sound-healed the brain tumor (size of a small ball), while Bernt Lassen send healing to her feet – online over zoom. The woman could move her right arm after the sound healing, and has not had any single epileptic seizure since then. A brain scan shows that the tumor is gone.

*Metabolism balanced/thyroid cancer gone, according to normal blood tests (Female in Israel). Githa

*”After only three sound healings with Henning Strange, the intensity of my hot flashes has decreased. It is an enormous relief, also in terms of my social life. After each healing, I have -for the following many hours- had a lot of energy in my body, and have been able to go for a walk in an hour… without pain!!!” 75 year old Danish lady.

*Cancer tumor disappeared in breast during online sound scanning by Merete & Githa, verified by doctor/ultrasound scan in Israel (May).

*A doctor from the USA has been treated online by Merete and Githa with interference (two voices). Gallstones in the gallbladder (which was due for surgery), small parts of it were expelled the day after the Sound Treatment (June). The doctor feels better.


The 11th of Aug Sound Healing Webinar by Githa Ben-David with Lauren Galey as a host (Boulder, Colorado), New Earth One:  Lauren is very pleasant and nice. I love her energy and look so much forward for this webinar. 33 $

The 13th of Aug. Sunday 8-9.30 PM (Cest) Online Sound Healing and Sing along Concert by Ghil & Githa BenDavid   27 €

Ghil (18 years) and I, Githa, have a  lovely chemistry together. My son suggested to make this concert, so I am all in and grateful for this opportunity. The Song lyrics will be send out the 13th of August to all who register for this concert. The songs are mostly our own songs with a healing, positive message and are in English, Hebrew and a few in Danish.

The 20 -27th  of August  International Online Education in Vocal Sound Healing (The last in 2023)

There are only few places left – preferable in the morning group (Cest). Far East, New Zealand, Japan, Australia, China…please join. You pay the first time for 20 hours filmed lectures . If you joined before, you only pay for the live-course, because you already have access to the films. See the prices including 25 %VAT at the link below.

Morning group: 8:30 -11:30.(Cest) Afternoon group: 3:30 – 6:30 PM. There are both participators from USA and Australia, so two time-zones are needed. Please register in time, so that you can watch the 20 hours basic education film ahead (18 lessons). Three hours daily live-teaching.

The 11th -14th of October, International Water Conference, Amsterdam.
Githa Ben-David speaks Friday Oct.13th at 9.35-10:10  (Merete Vestergaard will also be present). – Many wonderful scientists are speaking- Gerald Pollack, Veda Austin…
Here is the program. There will be scientists from all the world, anybody can register and participate (as long as there is space).

The 22nd – 29th of october, International Education in Vocal Sound Therapy, Molino del Rey, South of Spain (Full with waiting-list).

The 29th of October -5th of November: Sound for Breast Cancer Patients and Sound Healers in Molino Del Rey, Jorox, Alozaina, Spain

Trained sound therapists with meridian knowledge  will be a part of this course. I, Githa, look for 8-9 women with a breast cancer tumor, that is defined, so that the size can be felt with the hand and or seen clearly  in an ultrasound scan.

This week course is a part of the education, but will not be official, and you cannot find it in my homepage. Please contact directly for application to join.

Githa’s Student’s/Sound healer’s arrangements:

Merete Vestergaard:

The Note from Heaven international groups online, every Wednesday and Friday at 8-9 PM

(CEST) in English, guided by Merete Vestergaard

Groups in Danish Tuesdays and Sundays at 11.00 Am (cest)

Price: 60 € for 8 times x 60 minutes

(In the Danish Newsletter Martin Delfs and Henning Strange’s groups are mentioned, but not here because their groups are in Danish).

Thank you for your patience. There is so much going on, so it is a long post.

Summer can challenge with melancholy because we get time to let all that sprout forth that is normally suppressed. I train myself to embrace these sprouts, and will remind you that Gallbladder 9 (a point 1 cm above the ear), elevates the feeling of being a “victim” to “hero status”. Remember that you are a hero/heroine – always inside, because you endure the trials. Gratitude for the higher powers for all the help and support we get during this time.

Love from Githa Ben-David




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