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Time of Miracles

Dear Friends and Students

The Pentecost singing classes brought miracles. and though we did not speak in tongues, the sound led us sound healers into unknown horizons. Merete Vestergaard lived here with me during the day courses, where we also had some clients online in the evening, where we sang interference/harmony in a joined sound healing. Small nodules disappeared, large ones became smaller and soft rather than rock-hard. The same thing happened to some of the participants at the Pentecost-Singing.

We do not know about the impact of the sound healing in those where the disease lies deeper in the body.

A woman with pain in the abdomen due to a diagnosed nodule no longer had pain after the soundhealing – and hasn’t had it since. These sound miracles can only be explained by the fact that we listen for resonance and that the receivers are open to receive this resonance. A dog also gave the participants sound healing during the “Pentecost song, i”

I had a webinar with Lauren Galey, Boulder, Acoustic Health, where Merete and I also did interference/harmony treatment for the whole group: Here is a feedback

“Dear Githa and Merete
Words don’t reach the thanks I have for your dedication and sharing. I was in the webinar on Saturday with Lauren. I have continued reduction in swelling round and intensity of the growth in my breast.”

Since the authorities in Europe generally seem closed to researching holistic treatment methods, including the impact of singing, I will moderate myself by being officially scientific – but rather emphasise the spiritual aspects (although for me these two aspects are closely related). In the future, I will mainly share cases here in my newsletter – and only sparingly on e.g. facebook. Therefore, please spread the word and encourage those interested to sign up for my newsletter. The Spanish authorities, which previously seemed to be open minded, have just closed the Budwig Institute in Malaga, Spain – which was a internationally well-known place for cancer treatment.


Retreat Center in Spain Each Winter

Anthony and Lidiya, the owners of Molino Del Rey in Spain suggest that every winter we do a retreat with daily singing (sound-healing) at their wonderful center with running pure spring water. In order for sound healers to stay on site cheaper and without taking up space for patients, I want to buy a nearby house. It costs €252,000. if you want to support a good cause, then it will be a miracle. I cannot get a loan from the bank due to my age and lack of assets. I have had courses in Molino del Rey for the last 6 years and find Molino del Rey to be the optimal place to come on retreat.

Free WebinarSunday 2.6 at 8-9pm “Hung Song Activation of the Dai Mai-Meridian”. No registration, just click the link, feel free to share it. The Dai Mai webinar is the last on the Eight Extraordinary Meridians and psycho-emotional pain: Dai Mai is also called “The Belt Vessel” and is the only horizontal meridian that holds together all the others. The meridian stands for letting go – shedding both old emotions and accumulated toxins. Balancing the organism’s energies. It is functioning as a waste bucket, but when it is full – it flows over with liquids.

Vocal Sound healing Webinar Monday the 3rd of June at 20-21 “Sound healing of the Dai Mai-Meridian”. Here I will heal related diseases, all of which are in the middle region of the body. Letting go of old emotions and toxins is the primary thing – and the song is brilliant because the body itself regulates where the boundaries are. That is to say – the body will shut down your voice so that you do not detox more than you can tolerate. integration/

The 9th-16th of June International online Education in Vocal Sound Therapy (the last one this year). There are two places left.
Time: Daily Morning class: 9-11 + 1 hour practice time which can be adjusted. Evening at 18.30 -20.30 + 1 hour of practice time which can be adjusted. You can surf between the evening and morning hours, if you e.g. have changing working hours.
Small groups. Teaching by Githa Ben-David. Price DKK 9000 including 20 hours of film and material. The films are a one-time investment. Thus, you can participate in the next courses for 4000/ DKK 5,000 (incl. 25% VAT- which some countries do not need to pay). Already trained sound healers (4 week courses) get a special offer – as the films are free for them. In that case, write to githabendavid@gmail.comThen you will receive a discount code that you can use when paying at this link /

Selected results and events for students/graduated Vocal Sound Healers:

Maja, Denmark  has had two good results with skin cancer and received the following feedback: “I can hardly believe it, but the two lymph nodes that were absolutely swollen and hard ones have faded in so that I can hardly find them and I also think the tumor has faded a bit now.THANK YOU VERY MUCH”

Bente Skjervold, Norway

*Man with shoulder pain gone after one treatment.

*Woman with inflammation of the mammary glands – strong recovery after a treatment*Woman with diabetes 2 – normal blood sugar results when eating breakfast, has dropped from 6 to 5 blood sugar levels after one treatment. (She takes continuous measurement with device subcutaneously)

*Woman with hip pain has considerable improvement/the pain is almost gone after one treatment.

Merete Vestergaard has four weekly ongoing online gatherings with “The Note from Heaven” and Hung Song Activation of the meridian of the month. Contact Sundays and Tuesdays at 10-11 (in Danish) Wednesdays & Fridays at 8-9 Pm CEST(in English)

It’s a fantastic time we live in. To experience being able to send sound to someone in the hospital (as I’ll be doing shortly during surgery)… just think of the possibilities we have. It is only our own imagination that limits us to be open to miracles.

:”Never silences the Note from Heaven in the soul’s joyful pilgrim song.” (translation of phrase from a Danish Christmas psalm)

The rain is falling so  refreshing today in Denmark
Everything grows and finds its way.
The light, the resonance is always true
and if you are about to lose track – remember
this also applies to you

See you soon

Githa Ben-David

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