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International Education Retreat in Vocal Sound Therapy for Sound healers & chronicle Ill In Molino Del Rey, Spain (17 Nov – 8th of Dec 2024) EN


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21-days International Education in Vocal Sound Therapy/retreat at Molino Del Rey, Southern Spain Nov/Dec 2024 Sunday 17.11 – Sunday 8.12 2024

Teaching by Githa Ben-David & Merete Vestergaard

The education/retreats are intended for 14-18 students, mainly Sound Therapists, but also patients wishing for treatment/self-treatment can join. The three weeks is ment as a turbo-education for Sound Therapists/treatment for patients, as the 12 basic meridians as well as the 8 extra Ordinary Vessels for Psycho Emotional Pain are presented in top of the basic education.

The Education in Vocal Sound Therapy is based in Githa Ben-David’s methods described in her book “The Ultimate Book on Vocal Sound Healing”, “Heal the Pineal” and “Help – a personal story of detoxing heavy metals”. In short it is about “The Note from Heaven” – surrendering to Onenes through singing, and the use of Hung Song (inner undertones), which is used as a vocal sound-scanning tool  and to activate meridians. The sound healing is resonating perfect with the energized water and the lovely atmosphere in beautiful Molino del Rey. Since we have profound results, there is no need to say more than this. See more detalis further down.

Before signing up for one -three week courses, we kindly ask you to download and fill out an application form (Word document) here: ttps:// and then send the document to Githa at .You will then get contacted.

We prefer participants to attend all three weeks. However, if there is space available, we are happy to accommodate stays of 1 or 2 weeks. If you wish to participate for one or two weeks, please contact regarding availability for the courses you wish to attend before registering.

Price for the Education
Deposit of 200 € is paid upon registration. The remaining amount for tuition is paid two months before the course starts. We will then book you a place at Molino Del Rey ( please do not contact Molino del Rey yourself).

If you wish to pay the full course fee at once, please transfer to Githa Ben-David’s account: IBAN DK2553810000429464 SWIFT: ALBA DKKK Arbejdernes Landsbank, Soendergade 15, 8000 Aarhus C, and send an email to  to receive a  receipt with your details. If you
You can choose:
One week (800 €: 200€ + 600€). Two weeks (10,000 kr: 200 €+ 8,500€), or ideally Three weeks (1600 €: 200€ + 1400€). Ideally because it takes 21 days to purify the body. Prices are for tuition/course and are exclusive VAT (25 % in Denmark).
Additionally, there is payment for accomodation  at Molino Del Rey  (742 € per week in a double room). Payment is made directly to Molino del Rey upon arrival or in advance to their account; it is not processed through us – but we  book the number of participants. This means that a 3-week retreat will cost 4400 € (+ VAT 15,000) +  Accomodation – approximately 2226 € including everything =  plus your travel expenses – (Flight to Malaga plus 30 € for a return ticket to Jorox by minibus). The three-week retreat and deposits for 1, 2, and 3 weeks can be purchased on the website. Payment for the course itself for 1 and 2 weeks is made by bank transfer to: Githa Ben-David’s account above after arrangement with Merete Vestergaard regarding availability and registration.

Prices for Molino Del Rey 2024:

– Double room, with 2 single beds, per person 106 € per night (8 of this room type).
– Deluxe King suite with double bed, per person 117€ per night (1 of this room type).
– Single room, per person 140 € per night (2 of this room type) – allocated especially to people who snore or have sleep difficulties.

Please specify the desired room type in the application form.

A minibus is arranged from Malaga airport to Molino Del Rey, Jorox near Alozaina. It costs 15 € each way, payable in cash to Merete in connection with the trip. If there are fewer than 7 people, a local taxi will be arranged at your own expense. See further information at the bottom of this page.

About Molino del Rey:

Molino del Rey is situated in Jorox, near Alozaina, and normally functions as a yoga retreat center. The place is uniquely built into the mountain by the owner Anthony, who is interested in vocal sound healing himself. His Ukrainian wife, Lidiya, has decorated the rooms, place, benches, etc., with the finest mosaics and paintings. Here, you have the opportunity to find your own unique cozy corner with a wide view of the mountains, or to sing in the caves, where there is subdued lighting and floor. The entire retreat center is bubbling with running spring water, which you can drink directly from. The pool is filled with spring water and only added with salt – nothing else. The water, acoustics, and beauty of this place complement sound healing in the best possible way. Hiking is highly recommended. There are walks of one hour, which go through orange, avocado, and lemon groves and further out into the most beautiful mountain landscape. There is trip to a waterfall and a small lake where you can swim (30 minutes walk). There are many stairs and steep roads both at Molino del Rey and in the area.

The food is very well-prepared vegetarian/vegan/glutenfree food (breakfast at 10:00 and dinner at 18:00). For lunch, leftovers and salad are provided. There are no shops in Jorox so bring som personal snacks. We do not drink alkohol during the Education/retreat.

Accommodation is from Sunday at 15:00, and teaching starts at 16:30. The course ends the following Sunday with breakfast and checkout at 8:15 – 10:00.

Address: Molino del Rey, Jorox, 29567 Alozaina, Málaga, Spain.

See the website here:

See photos from a previous course at the site here:


The Daily Rhythm

In general, 6 -7 hours of teaching/healing/group work per day plus free practice, Sundays only evening lesson:
7 -7-30 Individual stretch, meditation, Yoga (free choice). Big hall.

7.30-9.30 Warm up, The Note from Heaven, Vocal Sound healing, Sa Re Gha – In week II and III activation of the meridians of the day. Big hall.

9.30 -10 Draw the meridians, add eventual comments.


11.15 – 12.15 Theory in the colour cave.

12.30 – 13.30 Group work in singing and sound healing/activation of the meridians of the day.

13.30 -14.00 Sharing. Big hall.

14:00 Lunch- left overs and salad

14 -16 Silence. Free time. Swimming in the spring water, tracking, relaxing…

16- 18: Free practise/treatments

18:00 Dinner

19:15 – 20:30 Evening session, deep relaxation, choir work, meditation/ Week II and – III presentation of the new meridians for tomorrow followed by Hung song meditation.

Sundays will be free in the daytime for practice or restitution. We will say goodbye to the ones who might leave in the morning. We gather Sundays in the evening at 7.15 – 8.45 PM

General information about the three weeks:

There is continuous work with The Note from Heaven and vocal sound therapy/healing supplemented by simple detoxification methods in all three courses. In week II an III the meridians are activated using the Hung Song and integrated into the daily Sound Healing Work.

The containment of the individual weeks:

The 17th -24th of Nov: International Education in Vocal Sound Therapy

The Note from Heaven, Hung Song, Vocal Sound Scanning, Regressive cell-singing… You learn all the basic methods.

You can read more about the education here:

The 24th of Nov – 1st of Dec: Education in Vocal Sound Therapy with focus on Hung ‘song Activation of the 12 main meridians.

The meridians are generally introduced in the evening and worked with in the lessons until lunch the next day.

Sunday: Introduction of Spleen and Stomach meridian

Monday: Introduction of Lung, Large Intestine

Tuesday: Introduction of Liver, Gallbladder

Wednesday: Introduction of San Jiao, Pericardium

Thursday: Introduction of Bladder, Kidney

Friday: Introduction of Heart, Small Intestine

Saturday: All 12 basic meridians.

The 1’st – 8th of Dec: Education in Vocal Sound Therapy with focus on Hung Song Activation of the 8 Extraordinary Vessels and Psycho Emotional Pain.

The meridians will be introduced in the evening and worked with in the lessons until lunch the next day.

Sunday: Introduction of the Chong Meridian

Monday: Introduction of the Ren Meridian

Tuesday: Introduction of the Du Meridian

Wednesday: Introduction of the Yin and Yang Wei Meridians

Thursday: Introduction of the Yin and Yang Qiao Meridians

Friday: Introduction of the Dai Mai meridian

Saturday: All 8 Extraordinary Vessels/meridians.

Refund policy

Refunding of the course fee is only possible if you find a suitable person who can take over your place – In that case, your cancellation costs a deposit of 235 € (inclusive VAT) in administration fees. In extraordinary cases, course participation can be postponed to a new date.


Teaching is in English.


We do our best to fit people who seems to have the same interests, education, language or nature together.

Transportation from and to Malaga airport / Molino del Rey:

Participants arrange their own transportation to Malaga Airport. A minibus is arranged from here to Molino Del Rey at 14:00 on the course day Sunday. Return from Molino Del Rey to Malaga on Sunday at 8.30-arrival at Malaga Airport at 9.30. The trip takes about 1 hour and costs 15 € cash each way (paid to the assistant teacher). The driver is named Miguel Angeles, drives calmly, and is always punctual. He speaks English and stands at the main exit with a sign: The Note from Heaven.

If you arrive later, you arrange your own taxi, which is significantly more expensive about 90-95 €.. Another option is to rent a car at the airport or to take a bus. Finally, it is recommended to arrive the day before and stay overnight in Malaga/Torremolinos. The same applies if the return journey by plane is in the afternoon/evening. Go to the beach or see Malaga. It is normally not possible to stay extra at Molino del Rey.

Introduction to the education

There is a great need for sound healing in our world. As research in the field is minimal, Githa Ben-Davids has taken steps towards a certified education in Vocal Sound Therapy based on her five books and 37 years of experience in the field. Those who are already graduated, as well as students, contribute through their results to conducting practical research in working with The Note from Heaven, which is based on, among other things, free singing and sound scanning both in physical presence and via phone and internet. Thus, Githa recommends clients to the sound healers based on the results they achieve with their treatments. Some voices are particularly good at healing tinnitus, others pelvic problems or bone fractures, depression, stress, cancer…. It quickly becomes apparent when you get started.

The Note from Heaven is based on surrendering to sound, where the singer’s ‘true’ expression unfolds, i.e. one makes room to be who one is, with the result that the vocal tone becomes overtone-filled and touches the heart. The phenomenon is described in Githa’s first book of the same name. The goal of the education is for participants to release the healing qualities of their voice gifts. There are no two identical voices.

The structure of the education

The form of the Education in Vocal Sound Therapy is based on blocks of 7-day courses, with a maximum of 18-20 participants (at Molino Del Rey) on each course. All basic week courses have the same structure with individual consideration of the participants’ needs and level, apart from the meridian courses, which differ in content. These courses are now integrated as a fixed part of the education. It is our experience that one must have a minimum of 4 week courses before one is ready to be a Vocal Sound Therapist.

On-line week courses are as important as the physical courses. It is recommended to participate both physically and online, as both course formats have advantages. For example, you learn to treat over the internet or phone on online courses. This provides flexibility in terms of practicing and meeting after the course, for example, once a week. Additionally, you will be able to treat clients from all over the world.

Basic books

Books are not included in the course fee.

Githa Ben-David’s books ‘The Note from Heaven’, ‘Sing Yourself Free’, ‘Sound is Life’, and ‘Help’ (detox) and “Heal the Pineal” (cleansing of the Pineal gland).


Films (English language) can be purchased if you wish to prepare or review the teaching before/after the course

* The Basic Education in Vocal Sound Therapy: 18 films (if you have participated in online education, you already have these films)

* The 12 basic Meridians: There is an edited webinar with 4-7 films in each part. (If you have participated in meridian courses, you may already have these films)

* The 8 Extra Ordinary Vessels: There will be 8 webinars ready with 4-7 films in each part by July 1st.

Additional information

Uger / Weeks

1 Uge / Week, 2 Uger / Weeks, 3 Uger / Weeks


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