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NYT: Syng for cancer i uge 44, Molino del Rey Syd Spanien

“Singing for Cancer” in Molino Del Rey
The 29th of October to 5th of November

Dette nyhedsbrev er på engelsk, fordi det drejer sig om et internationalt kursus. Der er danskere med, men de fleste kommer fra andre lande.
Vi har et weekend kursus hos Tidslerne, kræftorganisation, som længe har været udsolgt d.15-17 September. Grundet vores positive resultater kan nedenstående pladser være taget efter dette weekendkursus. Kurset her tilbyder dig, som har brug for at mærke din krop og dens signaler og slippe angsten, omsorg og klarhed. Vi støtter såvel konventionelle som holistiske metoder og ser sangen som en brobygning og et middel til at åbne dit åndedræt, din livskraft og til at spørge ind til kræftens bagved liggende årsag.

Sunday the 29th of October 2:15 PM a minibus is arranged from Malaga Airport, Café Santa Maria, right side of main exit, 15 €
Sunday the 5th of Nov. 8:30 AM a minibus is arranged from Molino del Rey to Malaga Airport 15 € arrival at 9:30 AM

I, Githa Ben-David, have been offered an extra week in the retreat center Molino Del Rey, Jorox near Alozaina, a paradise with springs (pure water with healthy minerals), caves, flowers and a waterfall in the mountains 1hours drive from Malaga – the 29th October -5th of November – and have decided to use it for a week’s singing for primary breast cancer/cancer hopefully including the possibility of ultra sound scanning (for knowing to which degree the sound healing works). The course is not published in my homepage as I wish to pick out the participators.

You need to contact in order to join and to fill out an application, which is then send for you.

There is still space for 6 cancer patients. We prefer people with clear symptoms as for example a tumor, so that we can know if there is a positive impact of the singing. You need to be strong enough to walk on steps – as the area is steep and there are plenty of steps.

The two main purposes of this week is: 1) -that the participants experience how they can strengthen their immunesystem by singing and thereby take their life in their own hands.

2) – that the participants will find and/or open up to realize the root course of their cancer and maybe even dissolve the deep trauma behind it.

Since we have seen tumors diminish/disappear during singing, we can hope that this can happen in some sessions, but we cannot promise anything. In all cases “fixing the cancer symptoms” are not enough. We need to dig deeper and get to the root of it too.

Sound therapists with knowledge about meridians: Marine (France), Elaine (Ireland), Marta (Scotland), Merete (Denmark) and Lieve (Belgium) participate as students/therapists in this week course of Molino Del Rey. There is still space for two more vocal sound therapists.

The students in this course are experienced (2-4 weeks education).

There will participate about 10 patients with breast cancer/cancer and we will be 8 therapists. This is the plan. The therapists will get extra lessons, which the cancer patients are welcome to join, when they have energy for it.

There is generally a huge interest for the courses in Molino del Rey, where we are planning to do longer retreats during the winther, maybe already in 2024.


Morning session: 7-7.30 We do our own exercises and or meditate in peace.

7.30 -10 Everybody participate. Basic stretch of the body, voice, Singing The Note from heaven, Hung Song on the endocrine system, choir sound healing, Songs, affirmations, self-healing instruction, lymph drainage, organ massage using movement and sound.

10-11 Brunch

Midday session: 11.15 -13 The Sound healers are educated. Merete and Githa share their experience with online treatment/ treatment of cancer. Cancer patients can join during demonstrations if they may wish so. The methods include singing one-selves free of traumas (Fx. The root course of the cancer), breathing, vocal sound scanning, The note from heaven and Hung Song.

13- 14 Left overs – light lunch

14-16 Relax- tracking- swimming – silent time – Lydia, the owner, offers massage (booked privately).

Afternoon:          16-18You can make individual appointments with each other or practise or just relax..

18-19 Dinner

Evening session:19.15 -20.30 The basic meridians are activated and healed with Hung Song, and or we will have a deep relaxation / meditation.

If it shows that any of the therapist´s voices can influence cancer/an other illness, then the results and the therapist’s name can be passed on to other clients with  similare illnesses. Each voice could likely be needed, when the film of Tsipi Raz is released worldwide (Githa and Merete are in this film with profound results).


The official price to participate in this course is 6000 Dkk  (includes 25 % VAT & 42% tax)- If you are poor, then you can pay 4000 Dkk (we talk about the payment). Accommodation (includes nice rooms and food) is 106 € in a twin share room, Single 140 € pr day: which is paid when you arrive to Anthony or Lidiya, the owners of Molino del Rey. They take credit cards.

The cheapest price (twin room)-7 nights including two big meals and left overs in the middle of the day is:
6000/4000 (course fee)+ 5600 (accomodation) +225 (minibus)= 11.825 /9825  Dkk + aeroplane to Malaga (privately organised)
In Euros: 1585 / 1317€ + ticket to Malaga, (privately organised)

There are no shops in Jorox, so you will not use a lot of extra money.

You will get more details when you sign up for this course.

We might do a similare course for other ailments later on. Please let us know if you are interested in a longer retreat during January, February 2024 in Molino Del Rey.

Love and compassion from Githa Ben-David


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