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Invitation for All Students of Githa Ben-David to gather

Dear Sound healers, students who participated in International Education of Vocal Sound Therapy or in the earlier Danish version: “Uddannelse i Vokal Lydhealing”.

This letter is written in English, because the meetings will be in English. If you do not speak English well, it will be possible to make group work, where you can work with people with your own nationality.

Thursday the 29th of February there will be an online meeting at 8-9PM Cet (Danish time) in  password: Thenotefromheaven
Use google chrome as your browser

There is a prominent development of Vocal sound Healing going on. In order to gather our powers, get inspiration, develop, learn from our experiences and to support each other we now open a forum, the last Thursday of the month- 8-9PM all the year around.

In the beginning Merete Vestergaard and I, Githa BD, will be the hosts, later other skilled Vocal Sound Therapists will take over.

At these meetings we have full confidentiality. Clients are not joining.

If we will be too many Sound healers (this mail is send out to around 500 students), we can organize local groups too.


Please if you wish to hear about new results, courses, share your good cases then sign up for my:
Newsletter in Danish:

Newsletter in English:

You are welcome to share the newsletter address with your clients, if they wish to join. I prefer to communicate through my newsletter (you are not spammed) and not through the social medias. Here also your eventual groups of The Note from Heaven, healing and more can be mentioned.

All meetings are free.

Today I, Githa and more sound healers, work online and with great results. The meridians and now also the extra ordinary Vessels are activated with Hung Song (inner undertones) and are adding to sound healing with great effect.

Article of Maja, Student of Vocal Sound Healing (in Danish)

This article will be send in English later in my public newsletter, as I have no link for it in English yet.

Thank you Maja for this great work you did.

Event in Aarhus, free tickets

Here is a Danish message, for two live lectures ( in Danish) in Danish in Aarhus, Denmark. You are offered free tickets for “Bogmessen” Havreballe Skovvej 11, 8000 Aarhus,

Write “Billet Bogmesse” to if you wish a free ticket for this event ( we have a limited amount- først til mølle). Notice the tickets are delivered only Friday, and are delivered between 12-14 at the eventplace. Bernt and Heidi will contact you with further details, as I pass on your email to them.

Fredag d.29.3, Store Scene: Githa Ben-David holder foredrag kl. 18-18.30  om bogen “Liluja” (Roman som foregår i Israel).

Søndag d.3.3 Store Scene: Bernt Lassen holder foredrag  kl. 12.30 -13.30: “Ramt af Kræft, Hvad Nu”?

Bernt Lassen is a student of Vocal Sound Healing and has treated himself daily by singing The Note from Heaven

I look forward to see you.

Sound and Light

Githa Ben-David







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